Recently, I found out that the celebration of Christ's birth was moved to December 25 to transform a previous pagan worship of the sun, Sol Invitcus. So rather than worshiping the light of sun, Christians could worship Christ as the Light of the World. My first question is what were the pagans doing worshipping the sun during the darkest part of the year? To me, if you want to worship the sun, you do it anywhere in let's say, June, July, or August. So that part I simply don't get. My second question is what do the powers that be (Romans? Catholics?) think about the worshipping pagans now? So they (Romans) thought that by plunking in the grand celebration of Christ's birth the pagans would suddenly stop worshipping something other than the creator. No dice. Nope, ain't happening.
Trust me, I might be prone to worship the sun if it were shining more than four hours a day (in addition to my worship of Christ the King, of course!). Sun light is a pretty essential factor. Just ask your doctor to check your Vitamin D level and you'll discover the necessity of sunlight. But instead of the natural light of the sky, blinking white, pink, red, green and now neon blue lights litter my neighbors' yards in hopes to do what? Draw attention to the birth of the Saviour? Or, shed some colorful light on a really dark night since the sun has just up and left the sky? I'm not sure. The lights covering trees and trimming houses are a comfort on a dark night. They are beautiful when they shimmer and glitter. But that is because it is so very dark outside, so very dark when we are all still awake and trying to go about our productive lives.
I guess the attempt by the State of Rome to eliminate a pagan holiday by replacing it with the most holy of days has kind of mussed it all up. For it seems to me, we still have a pagan holiday, but it is smothering the birth of a Savoir. Maybe Christ's birth should be celebrated on the real day of his birth. December is dark and cold. It is a month to be mindful of the need for light, for pure essential light. I just wish Christ got all the attention on His day.
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