Sunday, January 1, 2012

A Windy New Year's Reflection

A 35 mph gale is blowing from the north. The fresh snow is twirling off roofs and across yards. The house argues against the wind with protests of irritable creaks and moans. When all is still, the sound of the wind resembles the roar and crack of the surf against the shore.

I just returned from a 6 mile run in these conditions. Looking out across my backyard, I sense a foreboding that it is almost inhumane to venture out into these winter conditions. Yet, I did.

Being New Year's Day, I can't help but think about the coming adventures and challenges of 2012. I am sure a few of those challenges will seem too arduous or maybe even too painful to endure. I am going to try to remember the nature of the wind-it only blows directly and forcefully in one direction. While the opposite direction is made easier by the power of the wind. What appears as an abysmal challenge, if reversed, could be acknowledged as a source of strength.

So I found something to consider as today dawns a new year: a year of a daughter graduating, of a son becoming a high schooler, of trying new endeavors. Looking into the upcoming months from the narrow and frosted window of January 1st, no hints are seen regarding way the wind of this year is going to blow. There is a possibility of cold, hard gales as well as the softness of a spring breeze. Maybe both. But it won't be continual. If the challenge blows hard, maybe there is a new route. Or maybe there is something else beautiful and uplifting alongside the challenge. After all, the sun was shining on my run today.

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